Case Studies

CASE STUDIES Ongoing In an attempt to better understand the source of the inequities, and how the artisan sector can approach greater fairness, the DEED Lab, with affiliated researchers Elizabeth […]

Artisan groups in Caldas, Colombia

Previous Next Artisan groups in Caldas, Colombia Summer 2012 A feasibility study trip in collaboration with the Universidad Autónoma de Manizales (UAM) and the Centro de Desarrollo Artesanal de Caldas. […]

Fundación Compartir, Cucunubá, Colombia

Previous Next Fundación Compartir, Cucunubá, Colombia 2011 The first DEED trip to Colombia, a collaboration with the Universidad de los Andes’s Department of Design, which took the form of a […]

Ixoki Aj Quiemo L’, Santiago Zamora, Guatemala

Previous Next Ixoki A’J Quiemo L’, Santiago Zamora, Guatemala 2009 – 2010 In Santiago Zamora we worked with the weaving cooperative Ixoki A’J Quiemo L’ (“Native Women Weavers” in the […]

Ajkemá Loy’á, San Lucas Tolimán, Guatemala

Previous Next Ajkem’a Loy’a, San Lucas Tolimán, Guatemala 2007 – 2009 Our first project —an ongoing collaboration with Ajkem’a Loy’a – a women’s weaving cooperative in San Lucas Tolimán, Guatemala. […]

W139 Tracksuit San Lucas Tolimán, Guatemala

Previous Next W139 Tracksuit, San Lucas Tolimán, Guatemala 2008 – 2009 To celebrate their 30th anniversary, W139, an artist-run space in Amsterdam, Netherlands commissioned Associate Professor and DEED co-founder Pascale […]