Experiments with the W of W139
Romelia’s design of the W Catherina’s first experiment Telma and Catherina discussing the design of the figure W
Romelia’s design of the W Catherina’s first experiment Telma and Catherina discussing the design of the figure W
Before and After shots from the inside coming soon…
Per Ajkem’a Loy’a’s request, on Sunday afternoon students led a workshop which focused on exporting. The workshop was divided into three parts. The first, focused on what needs to be
We have been extremely moved by all the children who surround us on a daily basis. We have become accustomed to running workshops with interruptions of baby sounds and children
modeled by one of our students! We were excited to see how much Ajkem’a Loy’a has been experimenting with new color palettes, and even new scarf designs (with a variety