A Politicized "Beauty" Pageant

Last Friday we had the fortune to attend the election of the Reina Flor del Cafe 2009 in San Antonio. It was really wonderful to see how the concept of a pageant was adapted to an indigenous community, with an emphasis on the preservation of their culture and traditions. The 7 contestants had to wear a variety of traditional dresses, explain their origin and symbols, dance typical dances, speak the native dialect Kaqchiquel, and deliver a short speech on a topic of their choice.

The candidate in the video is the winner, for whom we were all rooting after her speech, which we found so moving & educational. Enjoy!


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One thought on “A Politicized "Beauty" Pageant

  1. wow, this is so amazing, I would have loved to be part of that, miss you all, looking forward to join soon !
    lots of love, pascale

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