Earth Lodge

This past weekend I had the opportunity to visit Earth Lodge – a wonderful lodge just 20 minutes outside of Antigua with absolutely stunning views, delicious home cooked meals, and an extremely friendly and international staff.
I was particularly moved by the work that co-owner Briana is doing in the public school of El Hato – a nearby small village. I am more and more convinced that it is these initiatives (small scale, and person to person) that can truly make a difference. With no overhead, every quetzal donated to her project is guaranteed to be spent on the children who most need it. Read here to learn more about this initiative.


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One thought on “Earth Lodge

  1. Cynthia!
    Thanks very much for your wonderful write up about Earth Lodge and the school. I really appreciate your spreading the word.
    Hope the rest of your trip is a success, it was great meeting you!


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