Our team

This is the summer 2010 team that will be working in Antigua and Santiago Zamora, Guatemala until late June.  This year we have 7 students and 1 faculty member, all from Parsons.

From left to right, front row: Mindy Tom (BFA Product Design), Arielle Paredes (BFA Integrated Design), Brianna Morris (BBA Design and Management), Cynthia Lawson (Assistant Professor, School of Design Strategies); back row: Aakriti Kumar (BFA Product Design), Tatom Henrich (BFA Product Design), Isabella Amstrup (BFA Integrated Design), and Hashel Al Lamki (BFA Architectural Design).

This morning we had our first work session – a meeting to plan our first visit to Santiago Zamora on Friday afternoon.  We are all eager for the visit, and this afternoon students are doing field research in Antigua – half of the team is visiting each tourist shop they see, to get a sense of the current product market here in Antigua.  The other students are visiting each travel agency in town, to understand what kind of community tourism packages are already being offered and how we can best support the community in Santiago Zamora in attracting tourists to their village.


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One thought on “Our team

  1. Nice photo and nice job! Enjoy the mission. Hope the opportunities multiply! Good luck with all your noble endeavors, Cynthia and team!

    Lots of love,
    Sara & Seth

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