
We have divided our days into doing field research around Antigua, which is the most touristy city in Guatemala, full of cafés, restaurants, and of course, tourists studying spanish and looking for interesting day excursions in nearby areas.  It is those tourists that we believe we can invite to visit Santiago Zamora and visit the group with whom we are working.

Despite Santiago Zamora’s proximity to Antigua (30 minutes in a private car, or 45 via public transportation), no one we interviewed had even heard of the village.  Most travel agencies didn’t even know where it was geographically, and if we search on the internet we cannot seem to find one good map showing where it is.

So, that will be our task for this week – to support the work that was already started by our collaborators in Santiago and to let the tourist industry in Antigua know about Santiago.  We want to, literally, help them put themselves on the map!


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