Participatory Photography Exhibition in San Lucas Toliman

Last year we conducted a participatory photography project with the women of Ajkem’a Loy’a. Seven compañeras were given disposable cameras in order to capture images representing their hopes and fears. After taking the photographs, the women used the pictures to reflect on their desires and concerns within the context of their collaboration with The New School.

Although we had spent six days a week for a month with Ajkem’a Loy’a, the photography project gave us a deeper understanding of them as individuals and allowed us to take a peep into their intimate worlds.

In collaboration with one of our students, we selected, printed and framed some of the best photographs taken by the women and curated an exhibition. It was such a powerful experience to come back to San Lucas Toliman and be able to welcome the women of Ajkem’a Loy’a with an exhibition of their art.

Sonia’s self-portrait representing her fear that her mother would sell her to another house because they couldn’t afford her.

Telma’s picture of her 89 year old mother weaving, representing her hope to be a strong woman.

Gloria’s portrait of a fisherman in Lake Atitlan, representing the customs and traditions of her community.


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